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Impairment of Immune Function in Harbor Seals (Phoca vitulina) Feeding on Fish from Polluted Waters

机译:以污染水域鱼类为食的海豹(Phoca vitulina)的免疫功能受损



textabstractDisease outbreaks with high mortality rates among seals and dolphinshave recently attracted considerable public and scientificinterest. Allhouyh in most cases morbillivirus infections wereshown to be the primary cause of the disease outbreaks, it wasspeculated that pollution-induced immunosuppression had playat:!a contributory role. Here we present results of a prospectivestudy under semifield conditions, in which two groups of harborseals (Phoca vitulina) were fed herring from marine regions withdifferent contamination levels; the highly polluted Baltic Sea andthe relatively unpolluted Atlantic Ocean. During a period of 93weeks, parameters related to immune function were monitoredand compared between the two groups. We found that naturalkiller-cell activity and mitogen-induced proliferative T -cell responsesfrom the seals feeding on herring from the Baltic Seawere significantly lower. In addition, we observed higher levels ofcirculating polymorphonuclear granulocytes in these animals,which may indicate an increase in the occurrence of bacterial infections.This is the first demonstration of impaired immunologicalfunctions in mammals associated with chronic exposure to environmentalcontaminants accumulated through the marine foodchain.
机译:海豹和海豚之间高死亡率的疾病暴发最近引起了相当大的公众和科学兴趣。在大多数情况下,人们都证明了轮状病毒感染是该病暴发的主要原因,据推测,污染引起的免疫抑制起着一定的促进作用。在这里,我们介绍了在半田间条件下进行的前瞻性研究结果,其中两组海豹(Phoca vitulina)从污染程度不同的海域喂入鲱鱼。污染严重的波罗的海和相对未污染的大西洋。在93周的时间内,对与免疫功能相关的参数进行了监测,并在两组之间进行了比较。我们发现,波罗的海以鲱鱼为食的海豹的自然杀伤细胞活性和有丝分裂原诱导的增殖性T细胞反应明显降低。此外,我们观察到这些动物体内循环的多形核粒细胞水平更高,这可能表明细菌感染的发生率增加。这是哺乳动物因长期暴露于海洋食物链累积的环境污染物而导致免疫功能受损的首次证明。



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